Uncover Your On-Page SEO Issues and Rank Higher, Faster

Want to rank higher, faster? Let’s dive into your website’s SEO secrets!

Skyrocket Your Ranks Instantly

Say goodbye to hidden opportunities. SEO Content Audit dives deep into your existing content, uncovering the secrets to instant ranking upgrades on Google.

How? It checks the top 30 results, featured content pieces, and crucial metrics, then cooks up a tailor-made plan for you with the help of AI and big data!

Quick and Easy Content Analysis in Less Than 2 Minutes

Don’t have the time for a content metric maze?

No problem! With SEOBoost’s Content Audit, you get a snapshot of all your metrics in less than two minutes. Just pop in your keyword and URL, and let our AI algorithms do the heavy lifting. It’s like having a personal SEO expert at your fingertips.

Find the Missing Pieces and Boost Google Rankings

Ever wanted your content to hit the right notes with your audience as well as Google? SEOBoost has got you covered.

Our natural language processing (NLP) algorithms scan the top 30 competing pages for your keyword, pinpointing the golden phrases. Fix the topic gap instantly and watch your content soar.

Crack the Code to Your On-Page Success

Are on-page ranking factors giving you a headache? Not anymore. SEOBoost analyzes the top 30 ranking pages, decoding the perfect topic length, keyword density, heading cluster, and more.

Whether you’re an SEO pro or just starting out, these actionable suggestions are your golden ticket to Google stardom. Fix what’s suggested, and watch your rank climb!

Boost beyond limits! Find out what’s exactly stopping your content from ranking.

Who Can Use SEOBoost?

Your One-Stop SEO Tool To Rank Higher

Topic Reports

Content Briefs

Content Optimizations

Content Management

Everything you need to know

If you have anything else you want to ask, reach out to us.

What is a content audit and why is it important?

A content audit is a comprehensive evaluation of your website’s existing content. It helps you identify areas for improvement in terms of SEO, readability, and overall effectiveness.

A good content audit can help you:

  1. Improve your website’s search engine ranking by identifying and optimizing content for relevant keywords.
  2. Enhance user experience by ensuring your content is clear, concise, and engaging.
  3. Find outdated or irrelevant content that may be hurting your website’s performance.
What does SEOBoost’s Content Audit feature do?

SEOBoost’s Content Audit tool crawls your blog and analyzes your content based on various SEO and readability factors.

SEOBoost uses AI and NLP to analyze your current position and the top 30 ranking competitors having the same relevance to help you with an audit report that is easy to understand.

What kind of reports does the Content Audit feature generate?

The Content Audit feature generates a detailed audit report that includes a “Comparison Between Your Article and the Top 30 Competing Pages” which comprises of –

  • Word Count
  • Readability
  • Keyword Frequency
  • Images

And recommendations for improving your content.

Can I fix the issues identified in the Content Audit report using SEOBoost?

Absolutely! Once the Content Audit report is generated, you have the option to either download the report or optimize the content right there.

Still have a question?

SEOBoost Can Help You


Chances of ranking higher on SERPs


 Increase in organic traffic 


Minutes saved optimizing content

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